Holiday for Wheelchair Users on Bornholm

On this page you will find the resorts that we recommend for you when you are a wheelchair user/walking impaired. If you want to know more about the resorts, you can click on the image or header next to the individual resorts. Remember to inform us in connection with your booking if you are a wheelchair user/walking impaired, so that we can take this into account as far as possible. We are also happy to help you book special ferry tickets to make your ferry journey easy.

Udforsk Opalsøen på Hammerknuden

Didn't find what you were looking for?

Give us a call:
Monday - Sunday: 09.00 - 17.00
We answer the phone during opening hours, but if you urgently need help, you can always move on to our on-call phone.

+45 56 95 85 66
[email protected]

You get the best price
With us, you book directly at the resort. This ensures you the best price - and our prices always include cleaning and power consumption. Thus, we have no "hidden" surcharges.

Ferry tickets
You can easily book your ferry tickets along with the rest of your holiday here on our website. We are also happy to help you order.

Optional arrival day
At almost all of our resorts, you have the option to arrive and depart on any day of the week, and you don't have to book whole weeks.