Stråhytten har den skønneste have med udsigt til marker og skov

På 1. sal ligger to soveværelser

Stråhyttens rolige og naturskønne omgivelser
Idyllic summerhouse by Sose Bay on Southern Bornholm
The Stråhytten is a lovely summerhouse of 85 square metres, and is furnished with room for 4 people. The summerhouse is quietly located next to fields and forest. From the summerhouse, you live a fifteen-minute walk from a lovely sandy beach, and only a short drive from cozy towns such as Boderne, Åkirkeby and Rønne, which offer several restaurants, cafés and good shopping and shopping opportunities. Read more about the area at Stråhytten here.
Look forward to a wonderful holiday on Southern Bornholm by Sose Bugt. On the ground floor, you are welcomed with an entrance hall, bathroom, and a modern kitchen in open connection with the dining room and living room/sofa area. The kitchen is well equipped with facilities such as an induction hob, oven, fridge with freezer compartment, coffee machine, kettle and dishwasher. The living room offers a cozy wood-burning stove for the cooler days, a dining table and a sofa corner that is perfect for relaxing moments. On the first floor are two bright and inviting bedrooms with good wardrobe space. Outdoors, a lovely garden with a view of fields and peaceful forest awaits, as well as two terraces with garden furniture, one of which is partially covered.
When you rent Stråhytten, cleaning on arrival/departure as well as electricity, water and heating consumption is included in your rental price. In this way, you avoid the large extra bills that other rental agencies have, and at the same time you avoid the trouble of having to clean yourself.

Stråhytten - Køkken

Stråhytten - Delvist overdækket terrasse

Stråhytten - Hyggelig stue med sofahjørne

Stråhytten - Køkken i åben forbindelse med spisestue

Stråhytten - Soveværelse

Stråhytten - Badeværelse

Stråhytten - Delvist overdækket terrasse

Stråhytten - Udsigt fra det ene soveværelse

Stråhytten set udefra
Stråhytten - Information about the summerhouse
• Number of square meters and plan: 85 m2 on two levels (ground floor + 1st floor).
• Number of bedrooms: Two bedrooms with double beds.
• Number of bathrooms: One bathroom with shower, toilet and washing machine.
• Hard white goods: Induction hob, oven, fridge with freezer and dishwasher.
• Internet: Yes, there is wireless internet in the summerhouse.
• Kitchen equipment: The kitchen is well equipped with, among other things, kitchen utensils, an electric kettle and a coffee machine.
• Heating: There is a heat pump and wood-burning stove in the summerhouse.
• TV: There is a TV that can be streamed on in the summerhouse.
• Pets: Pets are not allowed in this summerhouse.
• Distance to the sea: 1.5 kilometers.
• Distance to shopping: 5.5 kilometers (Netto, SuperBrugsen or Spar in Åkirkeby).
• Arrival and departure time: You can enter the holiday home from 16:00 on the day of arrival. On the day of departure, we ask you to leave the summerhouse no later than 10:00, so that we can have the house cleaned for the next guests.
• Arrival day: In the period 23 June - 31 August, Sunday is the arrival/departure day. In other periods, you can basically freely choose the arrival day of the week. In some periods, due to the other bookings at the Stråhytten, however, there may be restrictions on the choice of arrival day. As a rule, you don't need to rent for whole weeks either. It gives you the opportunity to put together the holiday according to your choice, just as you can choose to travel on the cheapest ferry days. The cheapest ferry days are usually Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
• Cleaning and water and electricity consumption: Both cleaning on arrival and departure as well as water and electricity consumption are included in your rental price.
Practical information about Stråhytten

Stråhytten - Udsigt fra det andet soveværelse

Stråhytten - Indkørsel og hyggelig solkrog

Stråhytten - Spiseplads til 4 personer
Sosevejen 19
3720 Åkirkeby
Telefon: 5695 8566
Mail: [email protected]
På ankomstdagen har du sommerhuset til din rådighed fra klokken 16:00. Læs eventuelt mere under punktet "Nøgleudlevering", hvis du ankommer sent om aftenen.
På afrejsedagen beder vi dig venligst forlade sommerhuset senest klokken 10:00.
I perioden 23. juni - 31. august er søndag ankomst-/afrejsedag. I øvrige perioder kan du som udgangspunkt frit vælge ankomstdag på ugen. I nogle perioder kan der af hensyn til de øvrige bookinger på Stråhytten dog være begrænsninger på valg af ankomstdag. Du behøver som udgangspunkt heller ikke leje for hele uger. Det giver dig mulighed for at sammensætte ferien helt efter dit valg, ligesom du kan vælge at rejse på de billigste færgedage. De billigste færgedage er som regel mandage, tirsdage, onsdage og torsdage.
Vi beder dig venligst indbetale et depositum på 25 % af rejsens pris senest 10 dage efter, at du har modtaget vores bekræftelse på din bestilling. Restbeløbet skal indbetales senest 45 dage inden din ankomst. Såfremt du bestiller sent, således at der er under 45 dage til din ankomst, beder vi dig betale dagen efter, at du har modtaget vores bekræftelse på din bestilling.
Dyner og hovedpuder
Der er dyner og hovedpuder i sommerhuset. Sengelinned og håndklæder er derfor det eneste, som du selv skal medbringe. Alternativt kan du leje en linnedpakke, bestående af lagen, hovedpude- og dynebetræk samt et stort og et lille håndklæde, til DKK 160,- per person. Husk gerne at forudbestille, hvis du ønsker at leje sengelinned/håndklæder.
Der er en fryser i køkkenet.
Stråhytten er desværre ikke handicapvenligt grundet trin i huset. Kontakt os venligst på telefon 56 95 85 66 for råd og vejledning, såfremt du har brug for et sommerhus, hvor det er muligt at medbringe kørestol.
Det er desværre ikke tilladt at medbringe hund eller andre kæledyr i Stråhytten.
Netto, SuperBrugsen og Spar er nærmeste dagligvarebutikker (cirka 5,5 kilometer fra Stråhytten).
Der er trådløs internetadgang i Stråhytten. Sendestyrken kan variere afhængig af antallet af samtidige brugere. Hvis du skal bruge internetforbindelsen til jobmæssige forhold, anbefaler vi derfor, at du medbringer eget mobilt bredbånd. Eventuelle nedbrud i internetforbindelsen giver ikke adgang til kompensation.
Stråhytten har et veludstyret køkken - herunder køkkenservice. Du behøver derfor ikke at medbringe køkkenservice eller lignende.
Når vi sender dig din feriebekræftelse, orienterer vi dig også om, hvordan du får nøglen til sommerhuset. Det fungerer nemt - og det er ikke noget problem, hvis du ankommer sent på aftenen.
Du kan parkere lige ved Stråhytten.
Ferie skal være ferie! Derfor sørger vi for at rengøre Stråhytten inden din ankomst og ved din afrejse - så er du altid sikker på, at sommerhuset er ordentligt rengjort ved din ankomst, og du er fri for arbejdet med selv at gøre rent inden din afrejse. Betalingen for rengøringen er inkluderet i lejeprisen. Du skal således ikke betale ekstra for rengøringen. Ved din afrejse beder vi dig således blot sørge for, at inventaret er på sin plads, køkkenservicet er vasket op, samt eventuelt affald er afleveret i områdets miljøstation.
Rygning er ikke tilladt indendørs i Stråhytten.
Strøm- og vandforbrug
Strøm- og vandforbrug er gratis inkluderet i din lejepris.
Viskestykker, toiletpapir med mere
Ved din ankomst er der et viskestykke, karklud samt en opstartsbeholdning af toiletpapir i sommerhuset. Hvis du får brug for yderligere, beder vi dig selv sørge for at medbringe/indkøbe dette.
Bestil din ferie nu
Bestil din ferie i Stråhytten ved at klikke dig ind på vores bestillingsside via knappen nedenfor - eller ring til os nu på 56 95 85 66, så giver vi dig gode tips til skønne feriedage på Bornholm.
Beautiful holiday days at Sose Bugt

Besøg Boderne, den dejlige sandstrand og den hyggelige café

Dueodde Strand er en af Europas bedste

Tag til trav på verdens mindste travbane
From Stråhytten's peaceful location, you are only a short journey away from fantastic experiences that offer something for everyone. Regardless of whether you are looking for relaxation by the beach, shopping in local shops, or cultural excursions, you will find most things near the Stråhytten.
A string of fantastic beaches
Only a fifteen-minute walk from the Stråhytten lies Sose Bugt – a lovely sandy beach that is loved by many locals for its tranquility and soft sand. The beach is the perfect place for a relaxing day by the sea. If you follow the coastline south, you will come across one beach after another – one softer and chalkier than the other. Boderne Beach, Sømarken Beach, Balka Beach - and it all culminates at the shallow and child-friendly Dueodde Beach, which has been voted one of Europe's best.
The old legend of the baptismal font with magical powers
Åkirkeby, one of Bornholm's cozy market towns, is a short drive from Stråhytten. The city is known for its cozy city life, its beautiful church and the experience center NaturBornholm. Here you can visit Åkirke with the famous Christian baptismal font from 1150, which is one of the few - perhaps the only one in the world - that has pagan runic inscriptions. Legend has it that this would give the baptismal font magical powers. Adolf Hitler was so interested in this magic that in 1941 he ordered the baptismal font sent to Germany. Soon, however, there were other and more urgent tasks for Germany, which is why you can still experience the baptismal font in Åkirkeby. The magical powers have - diplomatically speaking - never been "scientifically proven", so perhaps the inscriptions are just about the Bornholm people playing "two horses" in 1150, because it was uncertain whether Christianity or Asatro would win the battle for the Danes' faith.
Bet on horses on the world's smallest trotting track
You can also bet on two horses, in the literal sense, on the world's smallest trotting track, which is just 6 kilometers from Åkirkeby. You are very close to the horses when they come at full speed in the run. Maybe it's you who wins the big prize? On the way home to the Straw Hut, you can drive through the Bison Forest, where there is a good chance of seeing some of Europe's last bison. It is a fantastic experience to see the big animals.

Kulinariske oplevelser venter på Bornholm

Oplev den gamle bydel i Rønne

Spis Bornholms 'nationalret' på Bakkarøgeriet

Rønne er et mekka for keramik og kunsthåndværk

Se Bisonokser i Almindingen
Michelin restaurant and smoked herring
If you won the big prize on the racetrack, you might choose to have dinner at the Michelin restaurant Kadeau, which is just a 10-minute drive south of the Straw Hut. When you are on Bornholm, you must of course also taste Bornholm's national dish: The smoked herring. One of the island's best smokehouses, Bakkarøgeriet, is located in the same area as the Michelin restaurant Kadeau. Here, throughout the summer, you can take part in pleasant events with live music.
Experience culture in the 'capital' of Sunshine Island
Only 10 km from Stråhytten you will find Rønne, the island's lively 'capital'. This is the arrival point for anyone traveling to the island, and the city is a veritable treasure trove of culture, history, shopping and culinary experiences. Those interested in culture will be enchanted by Erichsens Gaard, a particularly well-preserved city and garden museum that functions as a window into Bornholm's past, where the charm and beauty of history meet. A visit to Hjorths Fabrik, one of Europe's last ceramics factories, is also a must for any handicraft enthusiast. Drop by the open workshop where you get a vivid insight into Bornholm's famous ceramic traditions. Perhaps you will be tempted by a nice piece of pottery to take home as a permanent reminder of your holiday on Bornholm?
Book your holiday now
Book your holiday at Stråhytten by clicking on the button below - or call us on 56 95 85 66, and we will be happy to give you great ideas for wonderful holidays on Bornholm.
Sosevejen 19,
3720 Åkirkeby
Book your holiday
Book your holiday at Stråhytten now - beautiful days on Bornholm await.
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Call us:
Monday - Thursday: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Friday: 09:00 AM - 03:30 PM
Saturday - Sunday: Access to the emergency phone
We answer the phone during opening hours, but if you need urgent help, you can always reach our emergency phone.
You will get the best price
With us, you are booking directly at the holiday location - ensuring you the best price. Our price always includes cleaning, electricity, and free cancellation insurance. No hidden fees!
Ferry tickets
We are happy to help you book ferry tickets free of charge.
Optional arrival day
At almost all of our holiday locations, you have the option of arriving and departing any day of the week, and as such, you do not need to book for whole weeks.